the App

It's your solution to discover and order from all of the hidden healthy gems around you. Traveling anyone? Yes. Works for that too.

Download it for free on android & IOS

We tried to put all the healthiest and most delicious green eateries and juice bars on a map for you - pun intended! 

- You can browse 'near you' and request to 'take me there' which connects to your GPS for directions

- There is a full directory of eateries by neighborhood, for when you are planning ahead of time. 

- Our recommendations in the 'recommended' tab are based on popularity and creativity in terms of menu options.

- We share a snippet of our health and nutrition knowledge in the 'tip of the day' tab. 





store criteria







We are very selective about the stores featured on our app - kind of like the Zagat of the healthy world.

To be featured on GreenHopping, a store must offer ( 1 ) or all of the following on their menu:

+ green juice or smoothies (cold pressed, blended or fresh) with no additives & natural ingredients.

+ vegan - you know, made with NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 

+ vegetarian - this does not mean a full salad bar, the stores on our app are a little more creative than that.

+ gluten free - for all you beautiful, celiac sensitive souls that still want to eat carbs. 


We dig, but do not require: RAW food, organic ingredients, & good vibes.

Happy Hopping all over!

Our pilot version is available in over 11 cities nationwide ( & some cities in Europe - ou là là)

We are looking for volunteers and interns in the cities above.

Become a greenHopping Ambassador and spread wellness vibes.

Email us at: [email protected]